A school recently e-mailed me with this situation: What happens when a parent is on Facebook bashing a staff member? Is there a right way to handle that? It isn’t on the actual school site, but her own Facebook page. What is the ‘correct’ way to handle this?” This scenario is bound to happen whether […]
Read MoreYour School Mission: More Than a Statement
Do you know your school’s mission statement? Businesses and schools usually have a mission statement. Can you recite yours? It might sound like this: “John Doe School District provides a place where students gain the tools to succeed. Through our individualized learning model, we are committed to preparing our students to be productive members of […]
Read MoreSwapping Social Media Don’ts for Do-Good Opportunities
“Don’t put something on Facebook that you wouldn’t want your Grandmother to see!” “If you wouldn’t say it in person, then don’t type it on social media.” “Stop wasting all of your time watching those stupid YouTube videos!” How many times has that advice been given out to kids by parents and teachers alike? There […]
Read MoreBeyond Facebook – Why Instagram Matters
Does our school really need another social media channel? We are on Facebook; isn’t that enough? Schools need to be where the community is. Of course, that includes parents and grandparents. They are on Facebook. But where are your students? Have you asked them? It is always changing, but right now I believe Instagram is […]
Read MoreKeeping Kids Safe and Kind Online
Veremis, L. (2015, April 14)Keeping kids safe and kind online.” Retrieved from http://www.weau.com EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (WEAU) — From Facebook to Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, social media sites are growing fast and evolving. For parents, that creates a struggle to navigate new territory and ensure their kids understand the risks and benefits of social media sites. […]
Read MoreProtecting the Identification of Students with Special Needs
Social media is a place to celebrate ALL of our students. This includes the kids who are tall, short, curly-haired, redheaded, freckle-faced, elementary-aged, pre-teen, high schoolers, athletic and musical. But what about those students with special needs? How do we safely celebrate them? This question comes up at every school with whom I have contact. […]
Read MoreWhat if Someone Trashes Us on Social Media?
We hope your school is using social media to celebrate their students! We have found that over 99% of comments provided are positive. Truly, there is so much good that comes out of an active social media presence for schools! But what about that fewer than 1% of comments that might be negative – or […]
Read MoreSurvey Says – Social Media is Working!
One look around a gym full of people at any school event, and what do you see? All eyes on the athletes on the court? The full attention going to the cute kids on the stage? Probably not. Some siblings are playing games on a phone. Some parents are tweeting score updates; other students are […]
Read More3 Surprising Benefits from Social Media
Social media can help improve school spirit, keep parents and community members informed, and celebrate all of the awesome things your students are doing each and every day. But did you know about these three side effects of using social media to tell your district’s story. 1. You attract top talent. New teachers, coaches, and […]
Read MoreSchools Going Social
Spreiter, J. (2015, February 5).Schools Going Social.” Retrieved from http://www.weau.com EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (WEAU)– Teachers and students are spending less time at the chalkboard and more time on social media. By breaking down walls and raising spirits, schools are going social. Andrea North is a social media expert. She started her business, #SocialSchool4EDU, after she saw […]
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